22 Acts of Kindess in 2022: Pilots4Paws

Meet the pilot going above and beyond for four-legged friends. Pilots4Paws' Jeremy Hall is a volunteer who flies injured and stray dogs to southern Ontario for veterinary treatment.

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These London pilots fly injured furry friends from northern Ontario for vet care

An ongoing shortage of veterinarians in Ontario's northern communities has made it hard to find medical care for animals needing treatment. Although there are more facilities available in the province's south end, logistics are costly and difficult to navigate.

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'These missions are phenomenal': A pair of London pilots get set for a flight north as part of an effort to rescue dogs in need

Jeremy Hall is trying to do his part to help. The London-area pilots are making flights up north, to Timmins primarily, and returning with pups who get new homes, mostly in and around Toronto.

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Pilots4Paws: Canadian pilots carry out rescue flights for dogs in northern communities

London, Ontario-based pilots are using their passion for flying to help transport dogs from northern Ontario to medical care. The pair told Skies that the idea to launch Pilots4Paws came to them when a friend asked if they would be interested in helping a dog in grave condition.

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